Conducting Group & Class Actions just became as Easy as 1-2-3

Conducting Group & Class Actions just became as Easy as 1-2-3

Increase Rewards by reducing Operating Costs by up to 80%

Increase Rewards by reducing Operating Costs by up to 80%

Seamless Administration through powerfull Automation & AI

Seamless Administration through powerfull Automation & AI


GMT Multi-Party Litigation
Litigate a multi-party action as if for a single Claimant!
All group action defendants are wealthy; otherwise, they wouldn't be able to pay if you won.

Defeat Costs Weaponisation; Achieve an Equality of Arms!
Wealthy corporate defendants often use significant resources to increase legal costs, discouraging claimants and funders, which can stifle even strong cases.

Disruptive Technology that Defeats Disruptive Tactics!
Defendants use tactics to disrupt litigation. GMT’s disruptive technology counteracts these tactics, significantly changing how legal actions operate.

Reduce Risk, Lower Costs, and Stay on Budget!
GMT’s Group Action Platform (GAP) and proprietary methodology are designed to reduce costs for claimants and curb expenses for defendants.

Exception Management – Exceptional Administration!
GMT handles all aspects of multi-party litigation, including registration, compliance, evidence gathering, claim assessment, and more.

Level the Playing Field – Plug the GAP!
Multi District Litigation, Class Action, Group Action, Class Action Waiver, Multi-Party Litigations, Litigation Funding, After The Event Insurance, Adverse Costs Risk, Pre-registration, Case Set Up, Registration, Identification, Compliance, Fact-Finding, Disclosure, Evidence Gathering, Translation, Auto-Correction, Claim Assessment, Quantification, Exception Management, Algorithmic assessment, Electronic Reporting and Subscription, Security, Communications, Documentation, Settlement, Printing, Bellwether, Lone Pine, GLO, Filing and Archiving, GMT does it all!

Online Registration

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Online Administration

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Workflow Automation

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All group action defendants are wealthy! If that were not so, there would be no point suing them, would there? If they were not, you would not get litigation funding for the case, would you!

It is not unknown for rich and powerful corporate defendants to allocate a significant percentage of the potential claims value to be expended on legal costs to pay lawyers to suppress and thus defeat litigation against them.

It suits defendants to rack up costs because extortionate costs risk exposure discourages claimants from participating in, and litigation funders from funding, group actions.

Irrespective of merit the case cannot or does not get off the ground!

GMT’s Group Action Platform (GAP), systems and methodology are specifically designed to drive down claimants’ costs and to curtail the costs of defendants.

Disruptive Tactics? The main objective of disruptive tactics is to prevent the target system from continuing to operate as usual i.e. to “prevent you from doing your job”!

Disruptive Technology? Disruptive technology is an innovation that significantly alters the way that consumers, industries, or businesses operate. A disruptive technology sweeps away the systems or habits it replaces because it has attributes that are recognizably superior.

Use our disruptive technology to disrupt the disruptive tactics that stifle litigation with good legal merit.

Level the playing field - Plug the GAP!


Fan? Drop us a quick note!

We would love to hear from you and about your case specific requirements, so feel free to send us a message and we will have the right person get back you.

We'll have your new case up and running in no time!

London, United Kingdom
Paris, France